About Convertavif.com

Convertavif.com is a free tool that makes converting images easy. It allows you to work with formats like AVIF, WebP, and even animated GIFs. It’s perfect for anyone who needs a fast and free solution for image changes.

Some of its most popular features include the GIF maker and image resizer. I’ve used the image resizer myself, and it’s super easy to use for quick edits. Whether you’re a pro or just need something simple, Convertavif.com is a great tool for your editing needs.

Our History

We started Convertavif.com in 2024 with a simple goal: to help people convert images into different formats. As we worked on converting and optimizing images at a large scale, we realized there was more we could do. People needed tools to convert not just images but also audio, video, and documents.

At first, we focused only on images, but as we ran out of ideas for new converters, we expanded. Using the knowledge we gained, we quickly added more tools to convert all kinds of files. Today, we help users convert files like audio, video, and documents easily and efficiently.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make file conversion simple and fast. We understand the challenge of changing one file format to another, so we’ve created a powerful API to help users fine-tune their conversion parameters.

Our platform is designed user-friendly experience. We ensure a efficient conversion process with customization options that still keep things simple.

Convertavif is powered by...


  • ImageMagick is a powerful tool that helps resize, optimize, crop, split, and convert images between many different formats. It’s the heart of the image editing process in Convertavif.

gifsicle with lossygif

  • With gifsicle and lossygif, the tool can work its magic on animated GIFs. It’s great for tasks like making, optimizing, resizing, and cropping these GIF images for better performance and quality.


  • FFmpeg handles all the video conversion and editing tasks. It’s known for its versatility in dealing with many types of media files, ensuring your videos are processed correctly.


  • For those who need animated WebP images, webpmux ensures they are fully supported and work seamlessly, making image formats more efficient for the web.

apngasm, apngdis, gif2apng

  • apngasm, apngdis, and gif2apng help manage and optimize animated PNGs, making them easier to use and integrate into your projects.


  • The tool also uses Fugue icons by p.yusukekamiyamane for the top menu and other tools, providing a clean and user-friendly interface.

Google Fonts

  • To enhance the visual experience, Google Fonts provides the fonts used in GIF text and subtitle tools, ensuring everything looks sharp and professional.

Debian Linux

  • Debian Linux is the foundation of this system. It’s the Operating System that keeps everything running smoothly and efficiently.

Facts & Numbers

We’re proud to say that we serve about 1.5 million visitors every month. These visitors love our 1000 file conversion tools, using them to convert 100,000+ files daily. That’s a lot of work! If you break it down, it means we’re doing 70 file conversions every minute. It’s impressive how much action happens in just a single minute on our platform.

And things didn’t stop there. In 2025, we reached a huge milestone by joining the prestigious Alexa 5000 club, a top list that shows we’re among the best in the business. These numbers tell a story of growth, hard work, and trust from our users. When you think about the millions of files being converted and the incredible speed, it really shows how much we’ve achieved.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or wish to exercise your rights, please contact us:

Email: admin@convertavif.com

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